

A Study on the Mobile Application Security Threats and Vulnerability Analysis Cases



Security threats are increasing with interest due to the mass spread of smart devices, and vulnerabilities in developed applications are being exposed while mobile malicious codes are spreading. The government and companies provide various applications for the public, and for reliability and security of applications, security checks are required during application development. In this paper, among the security threats that can occur in the mobile service environment, we set up the vulnerability analysis items to respond to security threats when developing Android-based applications. Based on the set analysis items, vulnerability analysis was performed by examining three applications of public institutions and private companies currently operating as mobile applications. As a result of application security checks used by three public institutions and companies, authority management and open module stability management were well managed. However, it was confirmed that many security vulnerabilities were found in input value verification, outside transmit data management, and data management. It is believed that it will contribute to improving the safety of mobile applications through the case of vulnerability analysis for Android application security.


1. Introduction
2. Mobile application security
2.1 Mobile service components
2.2 Mobile application security threats
2.3 Android application security research case
3. Application security method in mobile service
3.1 Response to mobile application security threats
3.2 Vulnerability check guide
4. Mobile application security
4.1 Derivation of mobile application vulnerability assessment items
4.2 Case study of mobile application vulnerability diagnosis
4.3 Analysis of three mobile application vulnerability diagnosis
5. Conclusion


  • Kim Hee Wan Professor, Division of Computer Science & Engineering, Sahmyook University, Korea


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