

Fall Detection Based on Human Skeleton Keypoints Using GRU



A recent study to determine the fall is focused on analyzing fall motions using a recurrent neural network (RNN), and uses a deep learning approach to get good results for detecting human poses in 2D from a mono color image. In this paper, we investigated the improved detection method to estimate the position of the head and shoulder key points and the acceleration of position change using the skeletal key points information extracted using PoseNet from the image obtained from the 2D RGB low-cost camera, and to increase the accuracy of the fall judgment. In particular, we propose a fall detection method based on the characteristics of post-fall posture in the fall motion analysis method and on the velocity of human body skeleton key points change as well as the ratio change of body bounding box’s width and height. The public data set was used to extract human skeletal features and to train deep learning, GRU, and as a result of an experiment to find a feature extraction method that can achieve high classification accuracy, the proposed method showed a 99.8% success rate in detecting falls more effectively than the conventional primitive skeletal data use method.


1. Introduction
2. Related Research
3. Fall Detection Method
4. Experiment
5. Conclusion


  • Yoon-Kyu Kang Department of ITPM, Graduate School, Soongsil University, Korea
  • Hee-Yong Kang Adjunct Professor,Information & Science Graduate Schhool, Soongsil University, Korea
  • Dal-Soo Weon Professor, Department of Smart IT, Baewha Womens University, Korea


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