

Implementation of Smart Traffic Safety Systems using Fuzzy Theory



Traffic accidents due to excessive speed frequently occur in places where traffic signal controllers are installed, places where sharp curves exist, or places where the traffic signal cycle does not match the current time. These traffic accidents cause economic loss due to the destruction of road facilities and structures, and cause a big problem of increasing the number of traffic accident deaths. When a traffic accident occurs, leaving a tire mark before or after a car crash, pre-collision speed of the car is calculated using the law of conservation of momentum or the skid mark formula. In the skip skid mark generated in ABS brake vehicles and the comb-shaped yaw mark generated by tire trace caused by lateral sliding, there is a difference of 30-40% in the reliability of the vehicle speed calculated by the smite mark. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that can improve the calculation reliability in vehicle speed by using skid marks in order to compensate for this problem. In addition, we present an intelligent speed calculation algorithm for traffic safety and a computer simulation in order to prevent traffic accidents by estimating the speed of a vehicle, using Skid marks, Yaw marks, and ABS brake characteristics and fuzzy rules.


1. Introduction
2. Theory of Skid Mark
4. Conclusion


  • Chang Pyoung Han Professor, Dept. of Smart Automobile Engineering, Sangji University, Wonju-si, Kangwon-do, Korea
  • You Sik Hong Professor, School of Computer, Information and Communication Software Engineering, Sangji University, Wonju-si, Kangwon-do, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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