A Study on the Extraction of Living SOC Deficient Areas in Small and Medium Cities Using Big Data - Focused on Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do -
The purpose of this study is to extract deficiency areas as basic data of policies and projects in the future Living SOC introduction and planning. In order to extract living SOC deficient areas, accessibility data for living SOC and density data for main users by facility were overlapped, focusing on the living SOC indicators presented in the National Urban Regeneration Basic Policy. According to the analysis of accessibility of the Iksan-si Living SOC, the gap between deficiency in urban and township areas was large in common with the accessibility of the village and local base units. As a result of overlapping life SOC accessibility data and density data analysis of the main users by facility, areas where accessibility is weak but not inhabited by the main users of each facility were extracted. It is meaningful that more accurate deficient areas can be extracted by simultaneously utilizing the density distribution of the main users, rather than simply accessing the facilities.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1 생활SOC의 정의 및 정책
2.2 해외 생활SOC 정책 현황
2.3 선행연구 고찰
3. 연구대상지 현황 분석
3.1 익산시 기본 현황
3.2 익산시 도시지역 특성
3.3 익산시 주요 지표
4. 익산시 생활SOC 결핍지역 추출
4.1 생활SOC 대상 설정
4.2 익산시 생활SOC 접근성
4.3 생활SOC 결핍지역 추출
5. 결론