An Evaluation of the Importance of Living SOC Major Indicators in Small and Medium Sized Cities Using AHP
This study evaluated the importance between the major indicators of living SOC in small and medium cities. AHP layer analysis was performed on a group of experts and their importance and priorities were evaluated. The results of the assessment are as follows: First, the village(walking) living zone was considered relatively more important than the local hub(vehicle) living zone. Second, the importance of health care in the local hub(vehicle) living area was assessed to be the most important in the comprehensive evaluation. Third, medical care, care, education and convenience in the village(walking) living area were ranked second, third, fourth and fifth, respectively. Fourth, the relative importance of physical education, learning, physical education, learning, relaxation, culture and village(walking) living areas in the local hub(vehicle) living areas were valued low. It is necessary to seek living SOC policies and directions in consideration of the special nature of urban social structure in small and medium-sized cities in Korea.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
2. 국내·외 생활SOC 정책 및 연구 동향
2.1 국내 정책 동향
2.2 해외 동향
2.3 국내 선행연구 분석
2.4 소결
3. 연구대상지 분석
3.1 중소도시의 정의 및 특성
3.2 익산시 일반현황
3.3 소결
4. 생활SOC 지표
4.1 계층 분류
4.2 응답자 일반사항
4.3 마을(도보)과 지역거점(차량) 간 중요도 평가
4.4 마을(도보) 생활권의 중요도 평가
4.5 지역거점(차량) 생활권의 중요도 평가
4.6 전체 우선순위
4.7 소결
5. 결론