


The Effect of a Granule-type Anti-hangover Compound, Quechung, on Acute Alcohol-induced Hangover in Healthy Subjects : a Randomized Crossover Study



About two billion people in the world drink alcoholic products and among them, more than 76 million are suffering from serious alcoholic disorder including hangover. Hanover can be caused by the by-products which are produced in the process of alcohol metabolism such as acetaldehyde and acetate in human body. There are various type of anti-hangover-related commercial products which can help to somewhat reduce hangover symptoms. In this study, we investigated the effects of Quechung which is a granule-type of anti-hangover compounds containing functional substances such as HK mycelial culture of Lentinus edodes, Hovenia dulcis fruit extract, Lactobicillus fermentum MG590 and so on. The subjects were 20 healthy men and women, and washout period for the crossover design was 7 days. Participants were randomly divided into two groups: the control group (alcohol + purified water) and the experimental group (alcohol + Quechung). The experimental group was first supplied with the anti-hangover compound before and after 30 min of 20% alcohol intake (7.8 g/kg body weight). Blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and alcohol concentration in breath and blood were measured one time before alcohol intake and also 3 times after Quechung intake at an interval of 1 h. Biochemical parameters such as albumin, electrolytes, lipid profile, liver function markers, alcohol level in breath and blood, acetaldehyde concentration were analyzed. Consequently, breath alcolol concentration was lower in the experimental group than control group after 1 h, especially showed statistical difference in female. Blood alcohol concentration before and after treatment also showed significant decrease in experimental group, whereas blood acetaldehyde showed significant increase in control group. Especially female participants showed higher effect than male. In the reslut of AST, experimental group showed little difference before and after treatment but control group showed significant increase, in addition female much higher effect than male. Taken together, this anti-hangover compound, Quechung, clinically showed the hangover-relieving effect on the acute alcohol-induced hangover symptom based on the positive results of alcohol concentration, acetaldehyde concentration, and level of liver function markers etc. in addition, Quechung also can influence on the protection of liver and blood vessel. This clinical study has a significance in that it provides scientific evidence to systemically establish database for the effectiveness and efficiency of the commercial anti-hangover products, and to help consummer’s easy choice and their better health.


Materials and Methods
1. Materials
2. Study Design and Participants
3. Physiological Measurement
4. Laboratory Analysis
5. Statistical Analysis
1. Characteristic of study cohort
2. Vital signs
3. Serum biochemical parameters
4. Breath alcohol concentration
5. Blood alcohol concentration and ALDH concentration
6. Liver function markers (AST and ALT)


  • Subham Sharma Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Global Medical Science, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Johny Bajgai Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Ailyn Fadriquela Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Md. Habibur Rahman Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Global Medical Science, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Trinh Thi Thuy Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Global Medical Science, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Seong-Hoon Goh Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Cheol-Su Kim Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Kijong Yu R&D Division, Vitabio, Inc., 483 Expo-Ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 34025, Republic of Korea
  • Kyu-Jae Lee Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea


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