


Application of New Concept Disinfectant, Huureka®, On Livestock Farming



Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) water was initially developed in Japan in 1987 and its antimicrobial property was reported in 1992. HOCl water is used globally to improve public health and recently started to use in agriculture. It is generated through a process called electrolysis. General property of HOCl water is low in pH, a high oxidation-reduction potential, high available chlorine concentration and high dissolved oxygen. The property of HOCl water depends on the parameters such as concentration of the ingredient NaCl and HCl, voltage, and electrolyte flow rate used in the electrolysis process. Recently, mixing type of HOCl generation without electrolysis, hydrogen-mineral HOCl (HM-HOCl), was developed and started to be used in agriculture due to several advantages such as easy production of high-concentration and high-capacity HOCl, long-lasting HOCl concentration, low level of harmful material and easy handling. Several experiments revealed that HM-HOCl is more available than electrolyzed HOCl to apply to various fields such as organic farming without pesticide, aquaculture and fish farming, and livestock breeding. It is very useful for decreasing stink in cattle shed, preventing viral disease of fishes, and decreasing mortality rate and increasing growth rate of broiler chickens by drinking the high concentration HOCl water (free active chlorine 50 ppm). The results of HM-HOCl usage was satisfied by farmers and governmental institutions of Korea. Therefore, we would like to introduce HM-HOCl, a new concept of disinfectant, and expand its usage in sustainable development in agriculture and rural environment.


Material and Methods
1. Preparation of experimental water
2. Animals and experimental design
3. Measurement of chicken body weight, and organ (liver and spleen) weight
4. Measurement of smell and atmospheric ammonia in the breeding house
5. Bacterial culture and identification
6. Statistical analysis
Results and Discussion
1. Effects of HM-HOCl water on body weight and organ weight
2. Effects of HM-HOCl water on concentration of smell and ammonia in breedinghouse
3. Anti-bacterial effects of HM-HOCl water on cecum


  • Johny Bajgai Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Cheol-Su Kim Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Md. Habibur Rahman Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Global Medical Science, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Ailyn Fadriquela Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Trinh Thi Thuy Global Medical Science, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Soon-Bong Song Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea
  • Kyu-Jae Lee Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Gangwon 26426, Republic of Korea


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