

Toward Fintech Adoption Framework for Developing Countries - A Literature Review based on the Stakeholder Perspective


Tommi Tapanainen

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Due to the low usage level of traditional financial services in many developing countries, Fintech services that often substitute for such traditional services with greater convenience have great potential in these markets. However, there have thus far been relatively few attempts to examine Fintech adoption in developing countries. As financial services are a highly sensitive industry in terms of government regulation and consumer trust, it is critical for policymakers to understand how to foster a healthy Fintech marketplace in developing country environments. In this paper, we review the scholarly literature on Fintech adoption with respect to three stakeholder groups: customers, service providers, and policymakers. Adding with practitioner-oriented documentation relating to Fintech adoption in Vietnam, we derive propositions for Fintech adoption research in Vietnam and similar developing countries. We collect these propositions as a framework that suggests avenues for future research.


1. Introduction
1.1 Fintech Definition and Development
1.2 Development of Fintech Services in Vietnam
1.3 Research Questions, Scope and Objectives
2. Methodology
3. Results
3.1 Fintech Stakeholders and Adoption Perspectives
3.2 Fintech Adoption Research Review
3.3 Fintech Services Providers
3.4 Fintech Customers
3.5 The Government and Regulation
4. Propositions for Fintech Adoption Factors in Vietnam
4.1 Related to Fintech Service Providers
4.3 Related to Regulators/Policy-Makers
5. Fintech Adoption Framework for Developing Countries
6. Conclusion, Future Research, and Limitations


  • Tommi Tapanainen Associate Professor, Department of Global Studies, College of Economics and International Trade, Pusan National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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