

大正期における芥川の心理学受容 -「忠義」と「奇怪な再会」にみる狂気表象-


Psychological theory in the Taisho period works of Akutagawa Ryunosuke - Depictions of madness in Loyalty and A Bizarre Reunion


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present paper examined the acceptance of psychological theories in the writing of Akutagawa Ryunosuke. The arrival of psychological science in Japan is linked to the work of Motora Yujiro in the Meiji period and, much like Fechner and Wundt, he was initially concerned with the analysis of physical reactions to external stimuli. With the advent of the Taisho period, applied psychology came to influence a range of fields, including education, medicine, law, and manufacturing, while at the same time Freudian psychoanalysis was gradually gaining attention. Perhaps because of such developments, Akutagawa’s depictions of madness may have borne some relation to these coinciding trends in psychology. The present paper analyzed Akutagawa’s descriptions of madness in the novels Loyalty(Chūgi, 1917) and A Bizarre Reunion(Kikai na saikai, 1921), written early and midway through Akutagawa’s career, respectively. In Loyalty, the trigger for the main character’s descent into madness is an external stimulus, consistent with the theories of Wundt, while the Freudian concept of repression is the cause of madness in A Bizarre Reunion. Akutagawa’s depictions of madness were thus transformed by the writer’s progressive adoption of contemporaneous trends within the field of psychology.


1. はじめに
2. 近代日本における心理学の受容
2.1 明治中期における心理学受容状況
2.2 大正期における心理学受容状況
3. 「忠義」
3.1 「忠義」について
3.2 「発狂」をめぐる物語
3.3 冒頭部における病状
3.4 狂気とミステリー
3.5 まとめ
4. 「奇怪な再会」
4.1 「奇怪な再会」について
4.2 フロイト心理学
4.3 「忠義」から「奇怪な再会」へ
5. むすびに


  • 早澤正人 Hayasawa, Masato. 仁川大学校日語教育科 副教授, 日本近代文学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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