The molybdenum cup and molybdenum pin, which are the main materials of the molybdenum electrode used for the LCD BLU CCFL electrode, have not been developed in Japan and all of them are imported and used from Japan, is giving a competitive burden. In this research, to develop the manufacturing technology of molybdenum pin used for CCFL electrode of LCD BLU, development of linear processing technology, development of molybdenum wire surface treatment technology, development of wire cutting technology, production of molybdenum pin, design and fabrication of JIG and Fixture for inspection, molybdenum pin prototyping and analysis, and development of 100% molybdenum pin inspection technology. In this paper, especially, research on prototype manufacturing and CAE analysis is treated.
1. 서론
2. CCFL 기술개발 및 세부내용
3. 몰리브덴 핀 시제작, 3차원 정밀측정 및 CAE해석
3.1 몰리브덴 핀 시 제작
3.2 몰리브덴 핀 시작품 규격
3.3 몰리브덴 핀 시제품 검사성적서
3.4 몰리브덴 핀 3차원 정밀측정
3.5 몰리브덴 핀 시작품 1, 2차의 비교
3.6 몰리브덴 핀 열전달 해석
4. 결론