The Aspects of Compound Verbs in the Japanese Bible
In this study, I conducted a quantitative survey of the compound verbs that appear in the Proverbs. Based on this, the basic verbs were compared to the compound verbs to identify the aspects of compound verbs used in the Bible. As a result, only about 10% of the compound verbs included in the basic verbs were found to have a very high level of difficulty in the Bible. In addition, compound verbs, which have a large number of patterns in the posterior elements, account for about 37% of the total compound verbs, so it can be confirmed that pattern-specific learning is efficient in learning complex verbs. If complex verbs classified by frequency and pattern obtained through this survey are used step by step according to the learner level, more efficient compound verb learning can be achieved.
2. 성경 잠언서에 나타나는 복합동사
2.1. 성경에 나타나는 복합동사
2.2. 성경에 나타나는 패턴별 복합동사
3. 나오며