

Session Ⅶ : 中国學硏究

사회물질성 : 일상속의 기술 혁신 이론을 찾아서


Sociomateriality : In Search of Technological Innovation Theory in Our Daily Life

황명호, 張慕輝

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is an exploratory research to search for technological innovation theory in our daily life by adopting the concept of sociomateriality. Unprecedented new technology revolution, the upcoming New Normal Era, and the crisis of Covid 19 pandemic accelerate the paradigm shift from one era to another. Pervasive digital transformation and the age of the individual call for the theory of technological innovation in our everyday life. To propose a conceptual framework, this paper bridges seemingly paradoxical concepts of “social” and “material” by adopting the definition of technology as routine capability. Assuming the duality of technology and dual roles of institutional pressures, the sociomateriality of technology is bound to be improvised and imbricated over time. The technology-in-practice has its value and meaning “now and here” in a specific temporal and spatial context, and only when the technology-in-use continuously innovated in our daily life, can it influence the upper level of innovations. This paper is just a humble step towards the theory development of technology innovation in daily life with some limitations, but it also sheds light on some future research work.


1. 서론
2. 문헌 연구
1) 사회물질성(Sociomateriality)이란?
2) 사회물질성과 기술의 관계
3. 개념적 프레임워크
4. 분석 및 토론
5. 결론


  • 황명호 Huang, Minghao. 부경대학교
  • 張慕輝 장모휘. 부산대학교

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