

Session Ⅵ : 東北亜教育現状

클래스카드를 활용한 일본어 교육의 사례 고찰 - 관광일본어 온라인수업을 중심으로 -


A Case Study of Japanese Language Education Using the ClassCard - Focusing on online classes of tourism Japanese -

김윤희, 손동주, 최건식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In order to enhance efficiency in the entire online class going on due to COVID-19, the class was designed in a hybrid type. Online class production through video shooting, ClassCard production for self-directed learning, Kakao Talk's talk board to check review studies, and 1:1 Google Meet have been in place to secure individual question and answer time for learners. For class design to complement the downside of unidirectional online classes, we approached learners as both instructors and managers. When looking at the status of Hiragana learning in the ClassCard, it was confirmed that learners with intermediate level of understanding in hiragana improve their basic learning ability by using the ClassCard.


1. 서론
2. 선행연구
3. 조사 개요와 수업 설계
4. 분석 및 고찰
4.1 클래스카드를 활용한 히라가나 학습


  • 김윤희 Kim, Yoonhee. 백석예술대학교
  • 손동주 부경대학교
  • 최건식 부경대학교

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