

Session Ⅵ : 東北亜教育現状

『NHK日本語発音アクセント新辞典』의 優位語~許容語의 様相


Aspects of predominant-permissible words in NHK's New Dictionary of Japanese Pronunciation and Accentuation

최건식, 권기수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a result of the survey, first of all, it can be pointed out that the pattern of changes in these [predominant words-permitted words] was very large during the period of less than 20 years between the new edition (1998) and and the new dictionary (2016). This seems to be the result of faithfully reflecting the changes in language during the period, along with the factor of increasing quantity, that about 6,000 headwords were added to the new dictionary. In addition, it was observed that it showed a slightly different phase difference from the general Japanese dictionary in comparison with the five dictionaries. This is because the dictionary is based on 'pronunciation suitable for broadcasting use' based on a survey of NHK announcers and a vast database. Therefore, although NHK is advocating a common language, it is a special vocabulary called 'broadcasting vocabulary'. It is judged that the environment led to the results of such investigation. In particular, in the case of Rendaku, this difference is remarkable, which can be attributed to the linguistic characteristics of the Kanto region that prefer nasal sounds, as well as the soft pronunciation of sound sounds, which NHK announcers prefer.


1. 들어가기
2. 優位語~許容語의 語種에 따른 분류와 양상
3. 優位語~許容語의 異同屬性에 따른 분류와 양상
4. 新版本(1998)・新辭典(2016) 간 변화 양상
5. 5種사전과의 대응 양상
6. 나오기


  • 최건식 Choi, Kunsik. 부경대학교
  • 권기수 신라대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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