

Session Ⅲ : 社會主義中國, 宗敎管理의 歴史와 現場

중국 중앙과 지방의 종교정책시스템 고찰 : 국무원령과 성·시· 자치구 「종교사무조례」의 상호관계성을 중심으 로


A Study on the Religious Policy System of the Central and Local Goverments of China : Focused on the Central and Local Regulations on Religious Affairs


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to analyze the interrelation of religious policy between the central and local governments. There are two main institutions that implement China's religious policies. One is the central government, and the other is the local government. If the central government presents the direction of the country's religious policy, the local government implements the country's religious policy. However, there is a subtle difference between them. Because different local governments have different ethnicities and different religious situations. Therefore, local governments establish the Regulations on Religious Affair , reflecting the policies of the central government and the religious specificity of the jurisdiction. This paper tries to examine the mechanism of Chinese religious policy by comparing the Regulations on Religion Affair established by the central and provincial governments.


1. 들어가며
2. 성·시·자치구 「종교사무조례」의 제정
3. 국무원령 「종교사무조례」의 제정
4. 중앙과 지방 종교정책의 상호작용성


  • 김경아 Kim, Kyunga. 부경대학교

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