

Session Ⅱ : 日本文化研究

탈전후 사상의 역사성과 중층성


The historical and layered aspect of post-war thought in contemporary Japan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, discussions pointing to the “right wing of Japanese politics” have become popular. So what about people's consciousness? It would not be enough to discuss the "right wing" of Japanese society with the case of a politician alone. This is because the Abe government that led the “right wing of Japanese politics” was also the result of the Japanese voters' choice. In fact, the results of public opinion polls show that over the past decade, Japanese people have increased their positive feelings toward “Japan”. A sociologist says that this affirmation of the present is rooted in the Japanese's "realization of abundance" in the 1970s. According to him, he calls for a look at the “post-war” movement of contemporary Japan in a longer historical context. In the end, this discussion cannot be limited to the political changes resulting from the emergence of the second Abe regime (2012), and it must be analyzed in conjunction with the structural changes of the post-war system that began in the 1970s and continues to this day. It reminds us that it is a task.


1. 들어가며―‘전후’일본의 우경화
2. <신고질라>(2016)의 문화정치학
3. 우경화와 ‘현상긍정’의 집단의식
4. 탈전후 사상의 기원


  • 서동주 Seo, Dongju. 서울대학교

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