

Session Ⅱ : 日本文化研究

松本淸張 추리소설의 살인 사건과 법의학


The murder and forensic science of the Seichou's mystery novel

송본청장 추리소설의 살인 사건과 법의학


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A writer of a mystery novel dealing with murder requires more than the same level of forensic science knowledge. This is because when a murder case occurs, a series of processes leading to autopsy and dissection are involved in order to resolve the case later. In his novels, Seicho portrays the scenes that lead to murder, autopsy, and anatomy as detailed as a forensic expert. Seicho's mystery novel is such that no works except for Murder. In the novel, the motives of murder are infidelity, money, concealment, anger, resentment, revenge, success, etc. Most of them are caused by human endless desires. Considering the weight and technique of murder in his novels, his novel can be called “the aesthetics of murder”. In particular, the characters, motives for murder, and methods of murder are closely related.


1. 시작하며
2. 마쓰모토 세이초 추리소설의 살인 사건
3.마쓰모토 세이초 추리소설의 살인과 법의학
4. 끝내며


  • 김용의 Kim Yongui. 전남대학교

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