

Session Ⅱ : 日本文化研究

영화 『황진이』과 『사쿠란』 비교 연구


A comparative study of the movie 『Jinyi Hwang』 and 『Sakuran』


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



『Hwang Jin-i』 is a story of a gisaeng in the Joseon Dynasty that has been reinterpreted through various media such as movies and dramas in Korea. It is a work that has been reinterpreted many times, and it can be said that it is one of the works that has solidified our image of gisaeng by acting by many writers and many actors. 『Sakuran』 is a film based on Moyoko Anno's manga, and debuted as a director by Mika Ninagawa, a famous photographer. Won the Best Music Award and the Best Art Award at the 31st Japan Academy Awards. This work deals with the story of a girl until she is sold to Yugwa and leaves Yugwa through gorgeous colors and direction, and presents a new interpretation different from the appearance of a young woman in most existing works. While Hwang Jin-i is a real character and works such as poetry still remain, Kiyoha in Sakuran is a fictional character, but the two works are special professional women whose protagonist is a gisaeng and a young woman. The personality of a female character that differentiates from the family is very similar. This study analyzes the similarities and differences between the two works, the gazes of gisaengs and young women in both countries, the change of gazes according to the times, and the reasons.


1. 서론
2. 줄거리
2.1 황진이 줄거리
2.2 사쿠란 줄거리
3. 기생과 유녀 이야기-황진이와 키요하-
3.1 양반을 비웃는 황진이
3.2 어항에서 나온 금붕어 ‘키요하’


  • 김화영 Kim, Hwayoung. 수원과학대학교

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