

Session Ⅰ : 東亜細亜海域

벌링게임사절단과 이와쿠라사절단이 경험한 미국과 영국의 해군문명


Marine Civilization of the United States and Britain experienced by Burlingame and Iwakura Missions

조세현, 최병규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This manuscript will be mainly dealing with civilization of the U.S. and Europe, especially of the United States and Britain experienced by Burlingame and Iwakura missions that are the representative overseas missions of Qing and Japan during the modern times. In the first half, this paper looked into the naval civilization of the United States and Britain. Among the representative marine civilization symbolizing the modern times are steamship powered by steam engine, warship equipped with large guns etc. Especially, warship and cannon of the West which is memorized as ‘strong warship and sharp cannon (船堅炮利)’was considered a marvelous one. The area that commanded the most attention from the bureaucrats and intellectuals of Qing and Japan was military weapon sector, and steamboat, armored battleship, torpedo, gun ship, guncotton, munitions factory, artillery unit and navy training were major concerns appeared all over the travelogue and diary. The aforementioned enables us to assume how the missions of the two countries observed warship and cannon and how much they were obsessed with construction of navy.


1. 들어가는 말
2. 미・영의 군함과 조선소
3. 대포와 포대
4. 나오는 말


  • 조세현 Cho, Sehyun. 부경대학교
  • 최병규 안동대학교

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