


염색시술 후 사용한 컨디셔너의 종류에 따른 모표피층의 형태 변화 연구


A Study on the Mophological Changes of Actual Hair Cuticles by Different Types of Conditioner after Coloring Treatment

최정명, 나현준, 박신정, 장지혜



The present study was to investigate the effects of different types of conditioner on the morphological changes of hair cuticles after coloring treatment. The virgin hair, aged 22 years served as a subject. Coloring treatment was done with a commercial hair dye agent for 35 minutes as routine procedures at 25'C, 50% R.H. environmental condition. The two different types of conditioner, Essence and LPP were applied to the colored hair 10 times with 2 days interval for 20 days. The hair cuticles were observed by a scanning electron micro scopy before and after coloring and conditioner treatment. The main results were as follows. Coloring treatment damaged the hair cuticles, and both of Essence and LPP had a direct conditioning effect. Also, the damaged hair cuticles were recovered by the repeated application of hair conditioner. Moreover, LPP was more effective in hair curing compared to Essence. These results show that a hair conditioner can be helpful to keep healthy hair and to shorten an interval of coloring.


  • 최정명 Choi, Jung-Myung. 혜전대학 피부미용과
  • 나현준 Na, Hyun-Joon. 성균관대학교 생활과학부 의상학 전공
  • 박신정 Park, Shin-Jung. 성균관대학교 생활과학부 의상학 전공
  • 장지혜 Chang, Jee-Hye. 성균관대학교 생활과학부 의상학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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