



A Brief Overview of China Community Correction Policy Current Status and Recommended Changes


金昌俊, 田美玲

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



On December 28th, 2019, National People’s Congress (“NPC) passed the Community Corrections Law in the 13th Standing Committee meeting. The law came into effect on July 1st, 2020. The implementation of the law marks the starting point of community correction in China and provided the legal framework for work related to community correction. However, the intention of enforcement by legislator is built on the thinking of unilateral protectionism. This creates deviation from the actual implementation of the law when considering the purpose of legislation, community correction nature, personnel working for community correction related agencies and the scope of enforcement. For example, if “correction” is the sole intention of the legislation and the act is enforced at a criminal charge level, the law should not only confer community correction agencies non-compulsory enforcement authority such as monitoring, providing educational support and warning. The overly idealistic intention of community correction lawmaking will hinder the efficiency and impact in the actual implementation. Thus, amendments should be passed to detail the criminal enforcement protocol, making community correction, as being a non-imprisonment matter, serve the dual functions of punishment and protection (mainly for protection). Ideally, the amendment can confer community correction agency personnel the authority to act as policemen and use police equipment under certain circumstances, hold individuals committing criminal activities in custody and other compulsory authoritarian activities. If such authority is granted, the effectiveness and deterrence of community correction work will substantially improve, which truly aligns the impact and intention of community correction.


2019年12月28日, 《社区矫正法》经中国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议 审议通过, 于2020年7月1日正式实施。 《社区矫正法》的出台是中国社区矫正制度发展的一个新起点, 也为社区矫正工作的未来提供了坚实的法律基础。 但是, 立法者们所秉持的单一刑罚目的的思想即 单边预防主义的理念, 致使《社区矫正法》在立法目的、 社区矫正的性质、 社区矫正机构的专门工作 人员的执法身份及执法权限等重大的问题上, 都严重偏离了其坐标。 比如把“矫正”设定为唯一的立 法目的, 把社区矫正的性质设定为刑事执行, 只赋予了社区矫正机构工作人员监督管理、 教育帮扶 等日常性执法职责和批评、 警告等非强制性的执法权限等。 这种过于理想化的立法思想与模式下的 社区矫正法, 其施行后中国社区矫正工作其实效性以及恢复性的前景将不容乐观。 因此, 应当通过 修法在本法中明确体现社区矫正作为刑罚执行方法之一所固有的报应性, 使社区矫正这一非监禁 性刑罚执行制度发挥其惩罚和预防的双重功能(以预防的功能为主);赋予社区矫正机构工作人员 以人民警察的身份在特定条件下使用警械及时制止社区矫正对象的违法犯罪行为以及拘传、 留置 (行政拘留)社区矫正对象等必要的强制性执法权限, 以此保障社区矫正作为非监禁刑罚执行制度 的实效性及威慑力, 真正达到社区矫正的报应性与矫正性目的的统一。


Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. 中国社区矫正制度的沿革
Ⅲ. 《社区矫正法》的内容及存在的问题
Ⅳ. 中国社区矫正制度的的改善方案
Ⅴ. 结语


  • 金昌俊 김창준. 延边大学法学院 教授,法学博士。
  • 田美玲 전미령. 延边大学法学院 刑法学硕士研究生。


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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