

Original Article

Effects of variation in the number and developmental stage of donor embryos and ovulation status of the surrogate mother on the efficiency of pig somatic cell cloning



This study investigated the effect of variation in the number of somaticcell- cloned embryos and their developmental stage at transfer on pregnancy, as well as the influence of the estrus status of recipient pigs on in vivo development of cloned porcine embryos after embryo transfer. For somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), fibroblast cells were obtained from a male porcine fetus. Recipient oocytes were collected from prepubertal gilts at a local abattoir and then cultured. After SCNT, reconstructed embryos of different numbers and developmental stages were transferred into recipient pigs. The developmental stage of the cloned embryos and the number of transferred embryos per surrogate showed no significant differences in terms of the resulting cloning efficiency. However, the pregnancy rate improved gradually as the number of transferred cloned embryos was increased from 100- 150 or 151-200 to 201-300 per recipient. In pre-, peri-, and post-ovulation stages, pregnancy rates of 28.6%, 41.8%, and 67.6% and 16, 52, and 74 offspring were recorded, respectively. The number of cloned embryos and estrus status of the recipient pig at the time of transfer of the cloned embryo affect the efficiency of pig production; therefore, these variables should be particularly considered in order to increase the efficiency of somatic cell pig cloning.


In vitro maturation of oocytes
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)
Estrus synchronization and embryo transfer
Experimental design
Statistical analysis
Experiment 1: Effects of transferred somatic-cell-cloned embryo number on pregnancy
Experiment 2: Effect of embryo development stage for embryo transfer on the efficiency of pig cloning
Experiment 3: Effect of ovulation status of surrogate gilts on pig cloning efficiency


  • Mi-Ryung Park National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Department of Agriculture, Wanju 55365, Korea
  • Jae Gyu Yoo National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Department of Agriculture, Wanju 55365, Korea
  • Chang-Gi Hur CRONEX, Inc., Hwaseong 18525, Korea
  • Bo-Woong Sim National Primate Research Center & Futuristic Animal Resource & Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Ochang 28116, Korea
  • Myunghoo Kim Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Science and Life Science, Life and Industry Convergence Research Institute (RICRI), Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Korea
  • Jakyeom Seo Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Science and Life Science, Life and Industry Convergence Research Institute (RICRI), Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Korea
  • Byeong-Woo Kim Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Science and Life Science, Life and Industry Convergence Research Institute (RICRI), Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Korea
  • Byung-Wook Cho Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Science and Life Science, Life and Industry Convergence Research Institute (RICRI), Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Korea
  • Teak-Soon Shin Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Science and Life Science, Life and Industry Convergence Research Institute (RICRI), Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Korea
  • Seong-Keun Cho Department of Animal Science, College of Natural Science and Life Science, Life and Industry Convergence Research Institute (RICRI), Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Korea


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