

Influence of Human Rights Victimization on Happiness of College Students : Mediating Effect Happiness of College Students: Mediating Effect Happiness of College Students: Mediating Effect Happiness of College Students : Mediating Effect of Self-esteem and grit


Ji Young Park, Muma Terence Tandia, Osemwegie Idahosa, Chang Seek Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background/Objectives: Our purpose in this study was to verify the mediating effect of self-esteem and grit in the link between human rights victimization and happiness. Methods/Statistical analysis: A sample of 233 students was purposively recruited from two universities in South Korea. SPSS PC + Win. Ver.25 and PROCESS macro Ver.3.5 were used for data analysis. Frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple mediating effect analysis were performed. Findings: Results were as follows. First, human rights victimization had a significant negative effect on happiness, self-esteem and grit. Grit had a positive correlation between self-esteem and happiness. Second, self-esteem and grit mediated in the link between human rights victimization and happiness. This study can be applied as a new model to prevent college students from human rights victimization. Improvements/Applications: Our findings also demonstrated that self-esteem and grit are useful buffers to happy individuals.


A. Research model
B. Participants
C. Research Tools
D. Data analysis
A. Correlation and descriptive statistics
B. Multiple mediating effects of self-esteem and grit
C. Verification of mediating effect


  • Ji Young Park Professor, Department of Child Rearing and Welfare, Koguryeo University, 31962 Korea
  • Muma Terence Tandia Doctoral Student, Department of Lifelong Education, Hanseo University, 31962 Korea
  • Osemwegie Idahosa Doctoral Student, Department of Lifelong Education, Hanseo University, 31962 Korea
  • Chang Seek Lee Professor, Department of Health, Counseling and Welfare, Hanseo University, 31962 Korea


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