

Technology Convergence (TC)

Physics-based height map optimization conveying real-measured flow speed for virtual soap bubble rendering



In this paper, we propose a method to generate and optimize the height map that is suitable to render a soap bubble. The height map represents the flow speed of soap bubbles. To this end, we have analyzed the flow of the soap bubble surface through experiment, derived the moving speed value for each section. Some image filters have been used for optimization that reflects the parameters of the derived height map. In addition, in order to verify the results of the study, actual data measuring the surface flow speed of soap bubbles, the speed of the initial height map, and the optimized height map speed have been compared and tested. Through this study, we reach the issue that it is possible to express the variable flow speed of soap bubbles with the optimized height map, and it will help to express various fluids.


1. Introduction
2. Initial height map production
3. Height map optimization
4. Experimental Results
5. Conclusion


  • Sol Han Department of Media Software, XICOM LAB (xicomlab.re.kr) College of IT Engineering, Sungkyul University, Anyang City, Republic of Korea
  • Sangwook Yoo Department of Media Software, XICOM LAB (xicomlab.re.kr) College of IT Engineering, Sungkyul University, Anyang City, Republic of Korea
  • Seongah Chin Department of Media Software, XICOM LAB (xicomlab.re.kr), College of IT Engineering, Sungkyul University, Anyang City, Republic of Korea


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