

Technology Convergence (TC)

Development of 3D scanner using structured light module based on variable focus lens




Currently, it is usually a 3D scanner processing method as a laser method. However, the laser method has a disadvantage of slow scanning speed and poor precision. Although optical scanners are used as a method to compensate for these shortcomings, optical scanners are closely related to the distance and precision of the object, and have the disadvantage of being expensive. In this paper, 3D scanner using variable focus lens-based structured light module with improved measurement precision was designed to be high performance, low price, and usable in industrial fields. To this end, designed a telecentric optical system based on a variable focus lens and connected to the telecentric mechanism of the step motor and lens to adjust the focus of the variable lens. Designed a connection structure with optimized scalability of hardware circuits that configures a stepper motor to form a system with a built-in processor. In addition, by applying an algorithm that can simultaneously acquire high-resolution texture image and depth information and apply image synthesis technology and GPU-based high-speed structured light processing technology, it is also stable for changes to external light. We will designed and implemented for further improving high measurement precision.


1. Introduction
2. Design of variable focus lens
3. Create structured light for focus judgment
3.1 Algorithm of 3D Point Cloud Generation
4. Development of 3D scanning based on variable focus lens
4.1 Hardware design of variable focus lens based 3D scanner
4.2 Software design of variable focus lens based 3D scanner
4.3 Development of optimization module to simplify data handling
4.4 Test Result
5. Conclusion


  • Kyu-Ha Kim LINC+ (Leaders in Industry-university Cooperation), Honam University, Korea
  • Sang-Hyun Lee Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Honam University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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