

Culture Convergence (CC)

Relationship between Organizational Size and Performance in Public Management : Mediating Effect of Organizational Goal Ambiguity




This study is to corroborate the relationship between organizational size and performance in the Korean government context. Hence, this study aims to advance research on the relationship between organization size and performance by considering mediating variable: organizational goal ambiguity, which helps understand how organizational size affects organizational goal ambiguity in government and the organizational goal ambiguity has an influence on organizational performance. Bases on theoretical review, we assume that there is the inverted U-shaped relationship between the number of employees and budget size and organizational performance. From the results of path analysis, it shows that organizational size in the Korean government has a negative correlation, “a linear relationship”, with organizational performance. Budget size has mediating variables, but the number of employees not. We try to suggest implications on the relationship between organizational size and performance in terms of theoretical perspectives in the context of the Korean government.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background and Hypothesis Development
2.1 Organizational Size
2.2 Organizational Performance
2.3 Organizational Size and Organizational Performance
2.4 Mediating Variables between Organizational Size and Performance
3. Variables and Data
4. Analysis and Results
5. Discussion


  • Soochang Lee Instructor, Department of Police Administration, Kyungwoon University, Kor
  • Daechan Kim Assistant Professor, Byuckkang Liberal Arts School, Kyungwoon University, Korea


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