

Culture Convergence (CC)

A study on village economic cooperative in the city of China



According to the 2012 social blue book released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China's urban population reached 50% in 2011. With the migration from marriage and new household registration, many urban collective assets have been formed in cities. Due to the unclear property rights and the emptiness of the main body, the distribution of collective assets mostly depends on the village cadres. The central government is preparing relevant laws and regulations to fill this legal gap, while the scheme of restructuring is decided by the villagers' vote, the local government coordinate the land acquisition and management. With the process of urbanization, a large number of second-generation of demolition studied abroad, which has attracted worldwide attention. In addition to the huge amount of compensation, due to the continuous rising of the land price, the value of the collective property and enterprises on the land also keep rising, the management agency of these assets is named village economic cooperative. This paper seeks to analyze the current status and future direction of these wealthy organizations, propose solutions to some existing problems.


1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
3. Case Study of Hangzhou Datieguan New Economic Cooperative
3.1 Hangzhou Datieguan New Economic Cooperative
3.2 Cooperative Current situation and future land development
3.3 Cooperative Organization
3.4 Development resistance
4. Conclusion and solutions
5. Implications and limitations


  • Lifeng Chen Ph.D Student, Dept. Of Global Business, Gachon University, Korea
  • Shanyue Jin Associate Professor, Dept. Of Global Business, Gachon University, Korea


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