

기획 주제-한중 문화와 사상의 교류

孫甫의 『唐史論斷』과 그 史論 : ‘治亂’의 권계


A Historical review of Tang's history By Sun Fu-Lessons from Success and Failure of Confucian Politics

孫甫의 『당사논단』과 그 사론 : ‘치난’의 권계


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Historical Review Of Tang's History’ [唐史論斷] is a book of historical review written by Sun Fu(998〜1057), a historian of North Song. The rise and fall and political success and failure have become important lessons for the Song Dynasty, as the Tang Dynasty's history is just the previous one. Sun Fu originally wrote ‘Historical Record of Tang’ [唐史記], but it had already been lost and is not present. His current collection of historical reviews shed light on and appraise Tang's history from the perspective of the ruling order emphasized in the politics of Confucianism. The period when he wrote this book was roughly the era of emperor Ren-zong in the Northern Song Dynasty and there was an ideological movement in which doubts and criticisms of the Confucian scriptures were actively carried out. His review of history was influenced by Spring and Autumn Annals, a connotation of Confucian political thought. It is a historical book of the Spring and Autumn Period and an important scripture containing the principles of Confucian politics. He looked at Tang's history based on the Spring and Autumn scriptures, and considered the interpretation of the meaning of facts more important than the historical facts themselves and their records. In other words, He wrote this book with the intention of considering the secret of the success and the cause of the failure of Confucian politics and wanted to be a realistic reference to his own dynasty. Not surprisingly, his historical review was also an important material for the Joseon Dynasty in Korea. The book "Chi-Pyung-Yoram," compiled by King Sejong in the early Joseon Dynasty, contains his reviews, and King Jeong-Jo of the late Joseon Dynasty also praised his reviews among many historical books. It is evidence that his Confucian political viewpoint was considered special even in the Confucian dynasty Joseon.


북송의 역사가 손보(998〜1057)가 저술한 『당사논단』은 『춘추』의 대의에 입각해 당조의 흥망성쇠를 논평한 역사평론서이다. 송인들에게 당사는 바로 전대의 역사로, 그 정치적 성패와 치란의 과정은 송조에게 중요한 감계가 되었다. 북송 구양수의 『신당서』, 사마광의 『자치통감』, 범조우의 『당감』도 모두 이러한 기본 취지에 따라 편찬된 사서(혹은 사론서)이며, 『당사논단』의 직간접인 영향을 받았다. 특히 유교 경전 『춘추』의 선악 시비 포폄을 역사 사실에 적용한(以經斷史) 손보의 사론은 송대의 역사서술과 태도에 하나의 ‘전형’을 보여주었다. 본고는 『당사논단』과 『춘추』의 관계를 중심으로 손보의 사론에 나타난 역사관과 역사서술의 태도를 조망하고 있다. 『사기』와 『구당서』의 서술방식 및 체재를 비판한 손보는 과거의 역사 사실에 대한 기록 자체보다 ‘치란’의 원인을 규명함으로써 현재의 정치적 감계로 삼는 것이 더 본질적인 역사서술의 목적이라고 보았다. 이러한 그의 관점과 태도는 송대의 정치적ㆍ사상적 변화와 밀접한 관계에 있었는데, 본고는 송조의 유교적 문치주의와 ‘의경’ 사조의 측면에서 이 문제에 접근하였다.


1. 서론
2. 『唐史論斷』의 기본성격과 특징
3. 『唐史論斷』과『春秋』의 관계: ‘以經斷史’
4. 治亂의 勸戒: 宋朝 문치주의에 대한 감계
5. 결론


  • 홍승태 Hong, Seungtae. 경희대학교 후마니타스칼리지 조교수


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