

Photo Management Cloud Service Using Deep Learning




Today, taking photos using smartphones has become an essential element of modern people. According to these social changes, modern people need a larger storage capacity, and the number of unnecessary photos has increased. To support the storage, cloud-based photo storage services from various platforms have appeared, and many people are using the services. As the number of photos increases, it is difficult for users to find the photos they want, and it takes a lot of time to organize. In this paper, we propose a cloud-based photo management service that facilitates photo management by classifying photos and recommending unnecessary photos using deep learning. The service provides the function of tagging photos by identifying what the subject is, the function of checking for wrongly taken photos, and the function of recommending similar photos. By using the proposed service, users can easily manage photos and use storage capacity efficiently.


1. Introduction
2. Structure of PICCL
3. Functions of PICCL
4. Experimental Results
4.1 Dark Photo Detection Model
4.2 Photo Deletion Recommendation
5. Conclusion


  • Sung-Dong Kim Professor, School of Computer Engineering, Hansung University, Korea
  • Namyun Kim Professor, School of Computer Engineering, Hansung University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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