

A Study on the Advertising Strategy Using 'Shin Hallyu' Cultural Content for Marketing Korean Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Products Targeting Chinese Consumers



The "New Korean Wave" (Shin Hallyu) phenomenon, which is represented by the global popularity of BTS and director Bong Joon-ho's film "Parasite," is making the world excited. The influence of the Korean Wave is not only on politics, society, and culture, but it also has considerable economic ripple effects. We applied individual in-depth interviews with seven media and marketing experts in China to assess the changes in the impact of Korean cultural content (i.e., Hallyu content) and examine the possibility of marketing for Korean small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) products using Hallyu content. Considering its massive market potential, China is still an attractive target for Korean companies and is of even greater importance to SMEs, which are highly dependent on exports and lacking marketing budgets as well as a professional workforce. Korean businesses and the economy at large would get a real boost if they could penetrate the Chinese market by utilizing the strength of Hallyu content. Based on the results of the in-depth interviews, the conclusion of our study suggests the direction of advertising strategy on how Korean products can attract the minds of Chinese consumers by utilizing the Shin Hallyu. This research is a practical study that diagnoses the reality of the Korean Wave in China objectively and has excellent practical implications as it proposes methods of how SMEs should use Hallyu for their marketing strategies.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Korean Companies' Business in China since the Hanharyeong Policy
2.2. The Influence of Korean Wave Content on Advertising/ Marketing in China
2.3 Local Consumers and the Status of Digital Advertising in China
2.4 The Limitations of Advertisement/ Marketing Using Hallyu and the Need for Native Advertisement
3. Methodology
3.1 Respondents and the Interview Process
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 The Current Anti-Korean Sentiment in China and the Changing Attitudes of Chinese Consumers/ Media viewers
4.2 The Influence of Hallyu and the Attitude Toward Korean Companies/ SMEs
4.3 New Chinese Consumers and Digital Advertising
5. Conclusion


  • Yoo, Seung-Chul Associate Professor, Division of Communication & Media, Ewha Womans University, Korea
  • Hong, Meiling Master's Student, Division of Communication & Media, Ewha Womans University, Korea
  • Bian, Wen Master's Student, Division of Communication & Media, Ewha Womans University, Korea
  • Piscarac, Diana Doctoral Student, Division of Communication & Media, Ewha Womans University, Korea


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