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보훈환자 시각에서의 처방의약품 사용 행태와 영향요인


Prescription Drug Use Behavior and Influence Factors in Veteran Patients from the Perspective of Veterans

김진, 이인향

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: This study aimed to explore a veteran patients’ behavior of prescribing drug use and of which influencing factors from the veteran patients’ perspective through qualitative interviews. Methods: We recruited veteran patients through purposive sampling and interviewed 30 veteran patients aged 20 and over who had been taking prescription drugs. We developed and utilized an interview guide consisting of three themes for data collection. We made verbatim transcripts and analyzed data using the framework analysis. Results: Participants were aware that they had large amounts of prescribing medicines and discarded the medicines. They often used improperly by the person himself or his family or acquaintances. The factors that influenced these inefficient prescription drug usage were grouped into ‘factors procuring more drugs than necessary’ and ‘factors being prescribed more drugs than necessary’. Anxiety about downgrading from the upper class to the lower among reward classes for veterans, and suspicion or dissatisfaction with the veteran policy caused the participants to procure more drugs than necessary. Additionally, they received too many medicines due to long-term prescriptions and lack of communication with their doctors, and poor quality of veteran health services. Conclusion: To improve the medication use behavior of veteran patients, providing information or introducing interventions for the proper medication use is not enough. Efforts should be made to improve their negative recognition over relevant policies and health care services.


연구설계 및 연구대상자
연구 주제요약서
연구대상자 모집 방법 및 규모
자료의 수집
자료의 분석
연구대상자의 일반적 특성
비효율적인 처방의약품 사용의 내용과 기저 요인
의약품 사용에 대한 현황과 인식
비효율적인 처방의약품 사용의 내용과 기저 요인
필요 이상의 약을 받고 버리게 하는 요인
보훈 등급 하향에 대한 불안
내외부적 요인에 의해 팽배한 불신
처우에 대한 불만
약이 남아서 버리게 하는 요인
장기 처방과 소통 부재
장기 처방을 양산하는 보훈 의료 기관 서비스 인프라의 한계
감사의 말씀


  • 김진 Jin Kim. 영남대학교 약학대학
  • 이인향 Iyn-Hyang Lee. 영남대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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