

생산계획과 생산자의 게임스맨십 : 한국농업의 사례를 중심으로


Understanding Production Planning and the Gamesmanship Behavior of Producers : A Case of the Korean Agriculture Industry

이재우, 신호정, 파쿨리 알프레드 자와라

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study adopts the cobweb theory as a basic model to capture the industrial dynamics in the agriculture industry of Korea. We examine the validity of the theory by analyzing the archival data of agricultural products. Specifically, we pay attention to Korean farmers’ gamesmanship behavior as a characteristic of rational supply chain participants and try to test the conventional wisdom that the Korean government’s intervention in the agricultural market has stimulated farmers’ opportunistic behavior for producing an excessive level of produces. According to the panel data analysis results, an increase in the agricultural commodity’s price in the recent past and farmers’ production quantity have a significant positive association. Yet, the government’s subsidy alone does not seem to induce Korean farmers’ opportunistic behavior. In addition, we show the interaction between the change in prices and the government’s purchase quantity. That is, if the market prices are expected to rise in anticipation that the government may purchase their farm surpluses at better prices farmers make a more aggressive decision on the production for the next season. This outcome may contradict the fundamental goal of the government subsidy, which is the stabilization of the market. Therefore, when the government implements a certain policy, it should consider market dynamics in which the policy affects the policy beneficiaries’ behavior.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Ⅲ. Conceptual Framework and Research Hypothesis
Ⅳ. Data and Variables
Ⅴ. Analytical Results and Discussion


  • 이재우 Jaewoo Lee. Ph.D. Student, The Ohio State University
  • 신호정 Hojung Shin. Professor, Korea University Business School
  • 파쿨리 알프레드 자와라 Fakulie Alfred Jawara. Ph.D. Canditate, Korea University Business School


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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