

Explicit Instruction of Meaning Inference Strategies and Success in Meaning Inference


Park, Chaehee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lexical inference is an important vocabulary learning method, but it is still unknown whether an explicit instruction of inference strategies would improve inference accuracy. In this study, it is investigated whether an explicit instruction of word-meaning inference strategies in class contributes to the success of meaning inference while reading. Two reading texts materials containing 10 pseudowords each were created (Hamada, 2013). Thirty four Korean EFL university students participated in the task experiments. The participants’ meaning inference accuracy rate was tested two times (pretest and posttest after treatment). It was found that the experiment group was significantly more advanced than the control group in word-meaning inference rate. The results indicated that an explicit instruction of word-meaning inference strategies was conducive to successful inference of unknown vocabulary. It is suggested that careful sections of inference strategies for instruction with consideration of learner’s proficiency levels would be necessary, that continuous training of inference strategies with practical application for reading comprehension and vocabulary learning is recommended, and that global strategies rather than local strategies would be necessary for learners to become successful in word-meaning inference.


I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
III. Research Method
1. Participants
2. Materials
3. Tasks and Procedures
4. Scoring and Data An
IV. Results
V. Discussion
VI. Conclusion and Limitations
Works Cited


  • Park, Chaehee Sun Moon University, Genome-based BioIT Convergence Institute, Asansi, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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