

조라 닐 허스턴의 『노예 수용소 : “마지막 흑인 화물” 이야기』에 나타난 노예무역의 마지막 노예의 증언


The Last Slave’s Testimony of Slave Trade in Zora Neal Huston’s Barracoon : The Story of the Last “Black Cargo”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Zora Neale Hurston’s Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” is a novel published after her death. This novel differs from other major slave narratives in some veins. It tells traumatic experiences of an African from the point of view of the sold person. Writing this novel, Hurston had a difficult time understanding the fact that Africans sold fellow Africans, and white people bought Africans. She had believed otherwise till then. The tragedy of Cudjo and other 115 Africans who were the cargoes of the slave ship, Clotilda, started from the hubris and greed of an American slave trader, Timothy Meaher. He bet that he could import slavers even though the American law strictly prohibited the importation of African slaves. Hurston traced the footprints of those African slaves who built a school, a church, and a graveyard having unfulfilled dreams where they could go back to their motherland, Africa. During interviews, Hurston showed respect towards Cudjo, listened to his sorrowful stories, shared soul foods, and regarded him as one of her black ancestors. As for Cudjo, even though he looked like a devout believer of Christianity, his inner eyes and heart seemed to turn to Africa and many orishas who could be his beloved ancestors and African gods, and wholeheartedly gave a gesture of welcome and consolation.


Works Cited


  • 신진범 Synn, Jinbeom. 서원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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