


Roles of Teacher Feedback in Promoting Effective English-Medium Instruction of a Business Subject


Victoria Kim, Jeongyeon Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Despite the recent expansion of English-medium instruction (EMI) in a non-English speaking educational context, few studies have investigated teaching methodology for EMI. Using a mixed method, this study examines the effects of teacher feedback on college students’ their perspectives of learning a business subject through EMI. The quantitative part of the study investigated questionnaire responses of two groups of students enrolled in a course on entrepreneurship: the control group of the lecture-style class offering little teacher feedback (n = 158) versus the experimental group featuring extensive feedback (n = 153). For the cross-examination of these quantitative results, a semistructured interview with four respondents followed. The analysis showed that the students’ disciplinary backgrounds (general studies, business, and engineering) create differences in their perspectives of EMI and learning the business subject. Among the three major groups, the business major students ranked English proficiency as the most important for their career purposes. The feedback-concentrated instruction contributed not only to learning the subject, but it also moderated the differences between the disciplines. Notably, the participants’ comprehension of the subject significantly correlated with their evaluation of EMI. These findings highlight the crucial effect of teacher feedback on acquiring discipline-specific knowledge and cultivating new perspectives of EMI.


Review of Related Literature
EMI and Academic Disciplines
Roles of Feedback in Learning at Higher Education
Research Questions
Context and Participants
Research Design
Data Collection and Analyses
Results and Discussion
Students’ Perceptions of the Roles of English and EMI
Students’ Major in Learning Entrepreneurship and Roles of Feedback
Relationship between EMI Comprehension and Learning Entrepreneurship
Implications and Conclusions
The Authors


  • Victoria Kim Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
  • Jeongyeon Kim Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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