

A Study on Gender Difference in Antecedents of Trust and Continuance Intention to Purchase Voice Speakers




This study aims at understanding gender difference in trust and the related factors affecting the intention to purchase voice speakers VS. VS are one of the innovations that are emerging at a fast pace in the market. Although it seems to be widely embraced by both genders, people do not intend to use them in some cases due to a lack of trust and the rumors circling these types of technologies. Nevertheless, there are particular barriers to the acceptance of VS technology between females and males due to unfamiliarity with the effective components of such technologies. Therefore, assuming that increasing the knowledge-based familiarity with an effective technique is essential for accepting it. So far, only little is known about VS and its concepts to increase the familiarity and, as a consequence, the acceptance of effective technology. Technology adoption in gender has been studied for many years, and there are many general models in the literature describing it. However, having more customized models for emerging technologies upon their features seems necessary. This study is based on Theory of Reasoned Action and trust-based acceptance which provides a background for understanding the relationships between beliefs, attitude, intentions, and subject norms and how it’s affecting gender trust in VS. The statistical analysis results indicate that perceived system quality and perceived interaction quality have stronger influences on trust for males, while privacy concern and emotional trust have stronger influences on trust for females with the intention of purchase for both genders. Our study can be beneficial for future research in the areas of Perceived risk and Perceived utility and behavioral intention to use and human-technology interaction and psychology.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background
2.1. Trust-based Acceptance Model
2.2. Cost and Benefit Theory
Ⅲ. Research Model and Hypothesis
Ⅳ. Data Analysis and Research
4.1. Measurements
4.2. Data Analysis and Results
4.3. Testing the Measurement
Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Youness EL Mezzi Entrepreneur, KANDOH, United Kingdom
  • Nicole Agnieszka Rydz Master’s Degree Student, Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship, Lund University, Sweden
  • Kyung Jin Cha Associate Professor, College of Business, Hanyang University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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