


‘日本水産誌’의 편찬 목적과 내용 - 『日本水産捕採誌』를 중심으로 -


The Aim of ‘Japan Fishery’ Compilaton and Its Contents - Centering on Japan Fishing Method -

‘일본수산지’의 편찬 목적과 내용 - 『일본수산포채지』를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This year marks the 110th anniversary of the publication of the Japan Fishing Method. The trilogy of Japan Fishing Method, Japan Fishery Products, and Japan's Useful Marine Products are called "Japan's Fishery'. These were completed in 1895 for almost 10 years since the compilation project was launched in 1886 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. However, it was not published immediately and was not published until 1910, starting with the Japan Fishing Method. In the late 19th century, the coast of Japan faced depletion of fishery resources due to over-fishing. To solve these problems, the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce implemented ‘fishery protection and breeding policies’ in each province. At that time, ‘fishery protection breeding’ was not meant to be artificial breeding. The plan calls for protecting and maintaining the natural reproduction of natural marine life by designating fish-protecting streams and enforcing fishing restrictions to prevent overfishing. In other words, the government did not improve fisheries by introducing new technologies and organizations for the breeding of fisheries, but rather by preserving the natural state of fishery resources without capital, which expected the greatest economic effect. On the other hand, the government implemented policies to select efficient fishing gear and fishing methods from among those already used in Japan. While implementing these fisheries recommendation policies nationwide, a review of traditional fishing gear and fishing methods was conducted, and the results of selecting and organizing the best of them were the Japan Fishing Method.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. ‘日本水産誌’의 편찬 목적
Ⅲ. ‘日本水産誌’의 편찬담당원
Ⅳ. 『일본수산포채지(日本水産捕採誌)』
Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 서경순 Seo, Kyung-Soon. 국립부경대학교 사학과 강사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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