


比喩와 類推 및 心理를 활용한 子貢의 설득 커뮤니케이션 전략 검토 - 『論語』와 『史記』「仲尼弟子列傳」을 중심으로


Analysis of Zigong’s Persuasive Communication Strategy using Metaphor, Simile, Inference, and Psychology - Particularly on 『Lunyu(論語)』 and 『Shiji(史記)』 「Zhongni Dizi Liechuan(仲尼弟子列傳)」 -

비유와 유추및 심리를 활용한 자공의 설득 커뮤니케이션 전략 검토 - 『논어』와 『사기』 「중니제자례전」을 중심으로

이연훈, 김원중

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Based on this study, Zigong’s persuasive communication strategies which use metaphor, simile, and inference are summarized into in the following manner. Confucius’s tendency of realpolitik implied in 『Lunyu』 influenced Zigong’s politicaldiplomatic skills, corresponding with 「Zhongni Dizi Liechuan」. Persuasive skills that Zigong showed can be pointed out as follows. First, conversations between Zigong and Confucius in 『Lunyu』 were mostly about political participation. In those incisive questions, persuasion to generalize and inference of future gave people trust and connected to high-level persuasive skills. Not only allusions in 󰡔Shih Ching󰡕 make readers understand the meaning of story by enhancing literary expressions and readers’ imagination, but also tendency of traditionalism becomes the norm of ethical and political assessment in the present. Second, Zigong became the main agent of persuasion and mentioned metaphor and simile as a communication skill in the conversations without Zigong and Confucius. A metaphor means the method which alludes the object to another object in common. Zigong emphasized the difference with Confucius by alluding Confucius to ‘the highest wall,’ ‘sun and moon,’ and ‘the heavens’. Also, there is an aspect of Confucianism with simultaneously respecting his teacher and showing his great realpolitik-ability. Third, diplomatic skills in 『Shiji』 「Zhongni Dizi Liechuan」 became the most effective persuasion by applying both logic and emotion. It looked into avoidable or charming factors, then stimulated the opponent with ‘antimony theory’ and ‘irony’. Additionally, emotions such as ‘favor,’ ‘fear,’ and ‘anger’ were applied at the right point, accompanying ‘inference’. It was possible to persuade someone with fine logic and ability to identify one’s mind as well as morality, Ren(仁). In other words, each circumstance that countries have, king’s competence to adapt, and logical fluency were essential conditions. Fourth, the biggest persuasive factor is in ‘improving(切磋琢磨).’ and ‘guess and hit(億則屢 中)’. Someone who was eloquent but not prudent, was refined by Confucius’s education and Zigong’s effort. The ability of ‘guess and hit(億則屢中)’ emerged when having conversation with people and achieved saving Lu with diplomacy. As this study noted, Zigong’s persuasive communication strategy used rhetorical competence and psychology. Besides, it has advantage at speaking in today’s perspective.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 『論語』속 問答式 대화를 통한 子貢의 화법 : 설득의 주체와 객체
1. 引喩와 借喩에 능한 子貢의 화법과 설득술
2. 사물에 빗댄 比喩의 활용 유형 분석
3. 역사적 사실과 類推를 활용한 설득전략
Ⅲ. 『史記』「仲尼弟子列傳」 속 子貢의 외교술 : 설득 과정의 심리와 類推
1. 矛盾이론과 反語法을 활용한 誘引
2. ‘好意’와 ‘두려움’의 심리를 활용한 類推
Ⅳ. 결론


  • 이연훈 Lee, Yon-Hun. 수원영덕중학교 교사, 단국대 한문학과 석사과정
  • 김원중 Kim, Won-Joong. 단국대 한문교육과 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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