


잡지에 나타난 남성화장품 광고 분석


Analysis of Advertosement for Men's cosmetics on Magazines

박길순, 박수진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze the consumption value and characteristic of content in cosmetics & perfume advertisement in men's fashion magazines in order to understand the changes of men's cosmetics market which is recently getting great attention along with the craze for 'florally handsome men', and 'eolzzang'(=gorgeous face), and examine the changes of the culture of men's make-up. I selected Esquire which had firstly produced men's fashion magazine in Korea, and implemented the content analysis, the quantitative analysis method, by separating linguistic elements ken visual elements. The results are as follows: In the analysis of consumption value revealed in the linguistic elements of cosmetics advertisement, emotion value was the highest in both cosmetics and perfume, while function value was the second highest in cosmetics and rarity value was the second highest in perfume. About the changes of content characteristics of visual elements, in both cosmetics and perfume advertisement, there were a lot of visual advertisements focused on figures without the mixture of linguistic expressions. Between advertisement in 1990s and that in 2000s, there were meaningful differences only in types and object of meaning of used symbols.


  • 박길순 Park, Kil-Soon. 충남대학교 의류학과
  • 박수진 Park, Su-Jin. 충남대학교 의류학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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