This study reviews articles about “machine translation” from Arts and Humanities journals covered in KCI-Journal Database between 2011 and early 2020. It examines a total of 121 articles in two stages. First, it reveals six major topics addressed in the previous works, namely “errors in machine translation,” “machine translation versus human translation” (and “comparison of translation machines”), “linguistic analysis of machine translation,” “perceptions of free online machine translation (FOMT),” “translation machines as an educational tool,” and “machine translation post-editing and pre-editing.” Second, this study reviews the 121 articles in terms of the “nature of research (conceptual research versus empirical research)” and “research method” (as a comprehensive notion, including “participants,” “material,” “translation machines,” “language pairs,” and “directionality in translation”). The study also discusses limitations of the previous studies and areas in which future researchers could build on previous findings.
I. 머리말
II. 국내저널에 게재된 기계번역 관련 리뷰/메타논문
III. 연구방법
1. 분석자료
2. 분석방법 및 고려사항
IV. 분석결과
1. 연구내용 측면
2. 연구방법(론) 측면
V. 맺음말