

An Acoustic Study on Mongolian Monophthongs : Focusing on F1, F2 Formant Frequencies and Duration


Delgertsetseg Dashzeveg, Dongmyung Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Modern Mongolian, simple vowels /a, e, ͻ, o, ʊ, u, i/ are defined as short vowels (Sandigkhorloo, 2015; Tsoloo, 1976; Muumuu, 1978; among others) and these vowels appear in the first stressed syllable in Mongolian words. Interestingly, unlike Korean simple vowels, Mongolian simple vowels have two tense and lax vowel pairs, /ͻ, o/ and /ʊ, u/ as seen in English monophthongs (Ladefoged, 2006; Bergmann, Hall and Ross, 2007). The purpose of the current paper is to conduct an acoustic phonetics study on Mongolian simple vowels. The current paper mainly focuses on the F1 and F2 formant frequencies and the vowel duration of 7 isolated Mongolian simple vowels as well as the vowels in 7 Mongolian monosyllabic minimal pairs. The investigated Mongolian vowels in the current study will be discussed mainly to see whether there are any significant differences between the Mongolian tense vowel /o/ and lax vowel /ɔ/ in terms of their acoustic characteristics.


1. Introduction
2. Previous Research
3. Methods
4. Results
5. Discussion and Summary


  • Delgertsetseg Dashzeveg Delgertsetseg Dashzeveg/Dong-A University/Graduate Student
  • Dongmyung Lee Dong-A University/Associate Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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