

영어 동사 Begin, Start, Continue, Cease의 비정형 보충절 사용에 관한 연구


A Study on the Usage Patterns of the Non-Finite Complement Clauses of English Verb, Begin, Start, Continue, Cease


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to examine the usage patterns of the non-finite complement clauses of four aspectualizers(or aspectualizing verbs), such as begin, start, continue, and cease. The data is from the British National Corpus Web(BNCweb). The study is concerned with the verbs of the pairs of the non-finite complement clauses and investigates the semantic properties of the verbs. The results are follows; firstly, the aspectualizers, begin, continue, and cease co-occur absolutely with to-infinitive, whereas the aspectualize start co-occur a little more with gerund as their complements than with to-infinitive. Secondly, the verbs taking the infinitival complements mostly tend to represent stativity shown in verbs such as change of state, cognitive and emotion verbs. As well, they are cognitive verbs and emotion verbs. On the contrary, the verbs taking the gerundive complements are action verbs, especially representing the movement of entity and creating new entities. This study is hoping to shed new light on the semantics of the infinitival and gerundive complements and thereby contributes to the semantically motivated nature of the distribution of the complements.


1. 서론
2. 비정형 보충절의 의미에 관한 연구
3. 비정형 보충절의 자료 분석 및 사용양상
3.1. 비정형 보충절의 사용양상
3.2. 비정형 보충절로 쓰인 동사구분
4. 비정형 보충절로 쓰인 동사의 의미특성
4.1. 동사 begin의 비정형 보충절
4.2. 상동사 start의 비정형 보충절
4.3. 상동사 continue의 비정형 보충절
4.4. 상동사 cease의 비정형 보충절
5. 결론


  • 황현미 Hyunmi Hwang. 부산대학교/박사후연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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