

古代中國語 省略현상 고찰 - 文型의 敎學上 이해를 중심으로 -


A study on phenomena of ellipsis in Classical Chinese focusing on sentence for educational understanding.

고대중국어 성략현상 고찰 - 문형의 교학상 이해를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In ancient Chinese, the phenomenon of ellipsis, despite being an phenomenon of pragmatics, is covered by most ancient Chinese grammar textbooks. This is because understanding of the phenomenon of ellipsis greatly affects the correct understanding of the sentence. The phenomenon of ellipsis does not simply use grammatical elements, but embodies sentences to increase the economic efficiency of the language and protrude the intended meaning of the speaker. It can be seen that the cause of phenomenon of ellipsis occurs according to the conciseness of sentences, the limitations of writing conditions, the control of syllables, the indeterminate form of the grammar system, and the writer's description. In ancient Chinese, the phenomenon of ellipsis can occur in all grammatical elements used in sentences In ancient Chinese education, it is important to accurately understand the cause of ellipsis, and to identify the ellipsis of subjects, predicates, and object words including the object of preposition and Concurrent words.


1. 들어가는 말
2. 고대중국어 생략현상의 원인과 방식
2.1 생략의 원인
2.2 생략의 방식
3. 고대중국어 생략 형식
3.1 주어의 생략
3.2 서술어의 생략
3.3 목적어의 생략
3.4 兼語의 생략
3.5 관형어의 생략
3.6 관형어의 중심어의 생략
3.7 부사어의 생략
3.8 전치사의 생략
3.9 전치사의 목적어 생략
4. 나오는 말


  • 이영호 Lee, Yeong-ho. 제주대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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