


A356 및 A357 합금으로 용탕단조한 상용차 휠 허브의 미세 조직 및 석출상 변화에 따른 기계적 물성 비교


Comparison of Mechanical Properties According to Changes in the Microstructure and Precipitation Phase of Commercially Vehicle’s Wheel Hubs Molten-forged with A356 and A357 Alloys

송준혁, 문민석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study has related to lightweight automobiles due to global warming with the reduction of fossil fuel reserves are rapidly progressing around the automobile industry. This study has revealed the relationship for the mechanical properties via the analyzed microstructure, precipitated phase variation of the wheel hub of a commercial vehicle manufactured using molten forging technology using A356 and A357 alloys, which are high-strength Al-Si-Mg base cast aluminum alloys. Differential scanning calorimetry has performed to analyze the precipitation amount of each alloy that influences the mechanical properties of aluminum alloy. The XRD analysis has measured for the microstructure's crystal phase on A356 and A357 alloys. In this paper has evaluated to compare the properties of the A356 alloy and the A357 alloy for the mechanical properties. The A356 alloy has confirmed that a microstructure is finer than A357 alloy, and a quantity of precipitated material is more than A357 alloy. Therefore, this study confirmed that the A356 alloy has better mechanical properties than the A357 alloy.


1. 서론
2. 실험 방법
2.1 시험편 제작
2.2 미세조직 분석
2.3 석출물 분석
2.4 시험편 기계적 물성 평가
3. 결과 및 고찰
3.1 조직 분석
3.2 석출물 분석
3.3 기계적 물성 평가
4. 결론


  • 송준혁 Joon-Hyuk Song. Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology
  • 문민석 Min-Seok Moon. Member, Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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