

산간지역과 주거지에 입지하는 르 코르비지에 건축의 의도된 경관특징 연구


A Study on Designed Landscape Characteristics of Le Corbuiser’s Architecture in Mountain and Residential Area


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to understand what Le Corbuiser has intended on a panoramic landscape view through his modern architectural design. This paper is willing to improve that he considered both natural and local landscape scenery, when he designed architecture with drawing images. He designed various ways to see outside scenery and community culture through ribbon windows, piloti, architectural promenade, picture frame, and rooftop garden as the angle of view inside the building, ‘designed landscape panorama’ from his architecture. Therefore the contents of the study include the analysis of the local landscapes shown through his architecture by photograph, drawing of a real scenery, and his sketches with biology to find what he has intended. The following conclusions have three points. First, Le Corbuiser has a basic idea to bear a natural and local scenery from his architecture through five points of new architecture. Second, pilotis, ribbon windows, and roof garden with picture frame and architectural promenade are pathways of his architecture to see ‘designed landscape panorama’. Third, it comes from his early architecture like Villa Savoye in 1920s to Couvent de Sainte Marie de la Tourette in 1950s, but Ronchamp church converts his idea on previous thoughts.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
2. 르 코르비지에의 자연관과 경관계획수법 고찰
2.1 성장기에 경험한 예술과 지역풍토와 건축탐구
2.2 유토피아적 자연관과 건축설계수법
2.3 ‘의도된 그림(경관)’을 위한 시점의 해석방법
3. 건축의 의도된 경관구조와 마을풍경
3.1 조사대상 건축물의 개요 및‘의도된 경관’을 위한 건축적 대응
3.2 빌라 사보아(Villa Savoye)
3.3 바이젠호프 시트로안(Weissenhof siedlung)
3.4 레만호수의 작은 집(Villa Le Lac)
3.5 빌라 라 로쉬(Villa La Roche)
3.6 롱샹 성당(Ronchamp Church)
4. 결론


  • 정건채 Chong, Geon-Chai. 정회원, 남서울대학교 대학원 건축학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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