This study analyzes the perception of SNS tourism information service users, focusing on the usefulness of SNS tourism information. We examined how this perception affects behavioral intentions such as sharing information with others, or using direct information. This analysis process established the mediating effect of trust and satisfaction in tourism information. Through this study, we tried to provide implications on tourism related organizations, industries, and operators of SNS tourism information service. For the analysis of the data, we checked the reliability and validity of the measurement tool, analyzed descriptive statistics, and performed regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The result of this study implicates that trust and satisfaction in information have a mediating effect in the process, where the perception of the usefulness of SNS tourism information influences the behavioral intention.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 고찰
1. SNS 관광정보의 유용성
2. 신뢰
3. 만족
4. 행동의도
III. 연구방법
1. 조사대상 및 자료수집
2. 연구모형과 가설설정
3. 측정 도구
4. 분석방법
IV. 실증분석
1. 측정도구의 신뢰성 및 타당성
2. 가설검증
V. 결론