

Development of an AI Chatbot to Support Admissions and Career Guidance for Universities



The vocational guidance and advising education enrollment are one of the most important tasks in the enrollment process and promote the quality and reputation of the University. Admissions counseling offices at Universities and Colleges play a major role in vocational guidance and advising education enrollment. However, the support of these units is limited by office hours, speed and advisory efficiency, and besides, handling and answering questions process may also encounter obstacles such as: overload, misinformation, problem with the transmission, language barriers, expressions, limited time, support resources,… Thus we decided to do research to understand this situation. Then creating a dataset supports vocational guidance and advising education enrollment activities. We also design and integrate chatbot into the school system to support the admissions counseling process.


A. Literature Review
B. Application of theories
A. Data Collection
B. Building data sets
C. Structural design for Chatbot
D. Interface design for Chatbot
A. Reassess the accuracy of the model
B. Experiment
A. Conclusion
B. Limitation
C. s Recommendations


  • Le Hoanh Su Faculty of Information Systems, University of Economics and Laws, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Truong Dang-Huy Department of Ecommerce, Faculty of Information Systems, University of Economics and Laws, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Tran Thi-Yen-Linh Department of Ecommerce, Faculty of Information Systems, University of Economics and Laws, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Thi-Duyen-Ngoc Department of Ecommerce, Faculty of Information Systems, University of Economics and Laws, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Ly Bao-Tuyen Department of Ecommerce, Faculty of Information Systems, University of Economics and Laws, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Ha-Phuong-Truc Department of Management Information Systems, Faculty of Information Systems, University of Economics and Laws, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


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