

Topics Analysis of Media Coverage Related to the Safety Sector of Namhae-gun


Seong-Bhin Joo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to draw objectively draw the functions for each topic through safety related new articles of Namhae-gun and present policies to create safe Namhae-gun. We examined the status and trends in the safety sector of Namhae-gun from the view point of our society and analyzed how the central topic has changed over the time. Safety among major study scopes was analyzed by dividing "crime", a major task of police organization and 'fire', a major task of fire station. Topic modeling that can analyze safety related contents in Namhae-gun reported as article during the study period was used as the study method and we identified the drawn topics to discuss the relevance of each period and policy issues. Based on the analysis results, the implications related to the safety sector in Namhae-gun are as follows. First, we should find active countermeasures for improving disordered environment such as understanding characteristics of crime occurrence occurred in the local community and having perception about the fact that the risk increases due to the hollowing out of the local community. Second, it is necessary to seek appropriate countermeasures that are suitable for the local environment such as understanding on location of fires considering the regional characteristics and managing vulnerable spaces in the public and private sectors.


Theoretical Background
Crime Status of Namhae-gun
Big Data and R
Research Design
Collecting Data
Research Design
Top Advent Words in related Articles
Topics Analysis of related Articles by Period


  • Seong-Bhin Joo Department of Police Administration, Dong-Eui University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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