The Internet of things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computed devices, digital machines and any physical objects which are provided with unique identifiers and the potential to transmit data to people or machine (M2M) without requiring human interaction. IoT devices can be used to monitor and control the electrical and electronic systems used in different fields like smart home, smart city, smart healthcare and etc. In this study we introduce four imaginary IoT devices as a learning support assistants according to students’ dominant learning styles measured by Honey and Mumford Learning Styles: Activists, Reflectors, Theorists and Pragmatists. This research emphasizes the association between students’ strong learning styles and a preference to appropriate IoT devices with specific characteristics. Moreover, different levels of IoT devices’ architecture are clearly explained in this study where all the artificial devices are designed based on this structure. Data analysis of experiment were measured by the use of chi square test for association and research results showed the statistical significance of the estimated model and the impacts of each category over the model where we finally got accurate estimates for our research variables. This study revealed the importance of considering the students’ dominant learning styles before inventing a new IoT device.
1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1 Internet of Things
2.2 The Levels of IoT Architecture
2.3 Learning Styles
3. Data Analysis and Research Methodology
3.1 Hypotheses
3.2 Data Setup
3.3 Data Analysis Method
4. Study Results
4.1 Strength of Association
5. Summary, Conclusions, Limitations and Future Implications