

Leveraging Digital Learning Platforms for Competitive Advantage in Higher Education



Higher education in India was not always confined to a learning process in four walls. Our ancient learning methodology included conversations, debates, life studies, and learning through observations. With the passage of time learning was confined to the study of written texts and prescribed syllabi. Though it has contributed remarkably in the last two centuries towards the establishment of new world order, its relevance is now often questioned due to the pace of technological changes and industries’ expectations from young graduates. In the last decade, there is an evident shift towards Digital Learning platforms as a mandatory part of the standard curriculum and as a source of obtaining extra knowledge with flexibility of choosing subjects and content for learning. Platforms like Coursera, EDX, NPTEL, STP, and Udemy are ready to efficiently fill the gap between standard university curriculum and industry requirement. In this paper, authors have identified and recognized the role of digital learning platforms as a mandatory part of higher education and have studied the impact on young learners. This paper presents an analysis based on the opinions of first-time users of such platforms. Through this study, authors have tried to identify the persisting shortcomings and effectiveness in the current scenario and have also recommended suitable measures to be integrated for the effective utilization of this resource.


1. Introduction
1.1. Types of Massive Open Online Course [2]
2. Background Study and Literature Review
3. Research Methodology
4. Data Collection, Analysis, and Interpretation
5. Conclusion


  • Devesh Lowe Department of Information Technology, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, India
  • Bhavna Galhotra Department of Information Technology, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, India
  • Yukti Ahuja Department of Management, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, India


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